Science Isn’t Just for Science Fair Competitions: Science is fun, and really shouldn’t be just for fairs
Tow little Indian boy enjoys in nature with binoculars

Science Isn’t Just for Science Fair Competitions: Science is fun, and really shouldn’t be just for fairs

Science Fair Competitions are entrenched in most of our memories as a period of exciting interaction with peers, teachers, materials and equipment.

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Discovery-Based Learning: A New Cure for Science Classroom Blues
Smiling child looking at butterfly through magnifying glass

Discovery-Based Learning: A New Cure for Science Classroom Blues

A discovery is unravelling of an experience which is personal. It is commonly defined as “finding out something for the first time, that was not known before by anyone”; although in the domain of learning science, it is more about “the first time that “I” find out something”.

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A Closer Look at Science – How to be more green and sustainable while going through your day

The one area of life on planet earth that touches us every living moment, is the environment we live in – the air we breathe, the land we live upon, the water we use, the flora, the fauna and everything that we understand to be “nature”.

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